Tongkat Ali Extract

Tongkat Ali means “Ali’s walking stick.” Another folk name for the plant is Longjack. Tongkat Ali is native to Malaysia, lower Burma, Thailand, and Indonesia. The root is employed as a traditional remedy for the treatment of malaria, high blood pressure, fevers, fatigue, loss of sexual desire, and impotence.

Tongkat Ali extract has been shown to support male hormonal balance, libido and performance, according to animal studies. Tongkat Ali herbs extract is a Southeast Asian botanical used traditionally to enhance energy levels, endurance and stamina, and to reduce occasional mental fatigue.

Product name  Tongkat ali root extract powder P.E 50:1 100:1 200:1
Botanical Name Eurycoma longifolia jack
Active ingredients Glycoproteins include eurycomalacton, eurycomanone, and eurycomanol.
synonyms Long jack, eurycoma longifolia, pasak bumi, malaysian Ginseng, longjax, cay ba binh, pasak bumi, langir siam, tung sawa, eurycoma
longifolia jack, ali’s walking stick, ali’s root,longjack
Appearance yellow brown powder
Part used Root
Specification 5:1 10:1 20:1 50:1 100:1 200:1
Main benefits Sexual enhancer, testosterone booster, libido, aphrodisiac, osteoporosis
Applied industries Bodybuilding, men’s health, supplement
Item Specification Test result
Specification 200:1 Confirms
Physical Control
Appearance Brown powder Conforms
Odor Characteristic Conforms
Taste Characteristic Conforms
Loss on Drying ≤5.0% 1.95%
Ash ≤5.0% 1.53%
Particle size 100% pass 80 mesh Conforms
Chemical Control
Heavy metals NMT 10ppm Conforms
Arsenic NMT 2ppm Conforms
Lead NMT 2ppm Conforms
Cadmium NMT 2ppm Conforms
Mercury NMT 2ppm Conforms
Microbiological Control
Total Plate Count 1000cfu/g Max Conforms
Yeast & Mold 100cfu/g Max Conforms
E.Coli Negative Negative
Salmonella Negative Negative

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