Semen Cassiae Powder

What is Semen Cassiae Extract?

Cassia seed herb plants Cassia obtusifolia L. and Cassia tora L. they belong to the taxonom ic family Leguminosae, they bear compound leaves and yellow flowers, similar to other legu minous plants (peas, beans), seeds are borne in pods, is good Chinese herb for soothing the eyes and helping weight loss.

General Information
Product Name: Cassia Seed Extract Part Used: Seed
Item Specification Method Result Method
Physical and Chemical Property
Appearance Powder Conforms Visual
Color Brown Fine Powder Conforms Visual
Smell Characteristic Conforms Olfactory
Impurity No Visible Impurity Conforms Visual
Particle Size ≥95% through 80 mesh Conforms Screening
Residue on Ignition ≤8g/100g 0.50g/100g 3g/550℃/4hrs
Loss on Drying ≤8g/100g 6.01g/100g 3g/105℃/2hrs
Drying Method Hot Air Drying Conforms  
Ingredients List 100% Broccoli Conforms  
Residue Analysis
Heavy Metals ≤10mg/kg Conforms  
Lead (Pb) ≤1.00mg/kg Conforms ICP-MS
Arsenic (As) ≤1.00mg/kg Conforms ICP-MS
Cadmium (Cd) ≤0.05mg/kg Conforms ICP-MS
Mercury (Hg) ≤0.03mg/kg Conforms ICP-MS
Microbiological Tests
Total Plate Count ≤100000cfu/g 5000cfu/g AOAC 990.12
Total Yeast & Mold ≤500cfu/g 50cfu/g AOAC 997.02
E.Coli. Negative/10g Conforms AOAC 991.14
Salmonella Negative/10g Conforms AOAC 998.09
S.aureus Negative/10g Conforms AOAC 2003.07
Product Status
Conclusion: Sample Qualified.
Shelf Life: 24 months under the conditions below and in its original packaging.
Retest date: Retest every 24 months under the conditions below and in its original packaging.
Storage: Store in a cool, dry place away from Moisture, Light.
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